Youth Groups
EBJC has youth groups for students in grades 4 through 12. These groups meet each month for events and informal education centered on social action/tikun olam, Israel, Jewish holidays, or simply to socialize with other Jewish youth.
For information about any of these groups, contact Justin Hirsch - Interim Education Director -
Chaverim is our program for 4th and 5th graders.
Kadima focuses on 6th and 7th graders.
USY provides activities and leadership opportunities for 8th through 12th graders.
See below for more information on each of these groups.
To register, CLICK HERE.
Our college students are not forgotten! Through the College Connection, EBJC members receive packages several times a year to remind them of their home synagogue. To enroll your college-aged youth, CLICK HERE.
Chaverim is a youth group for the East Brunswick Jewish Center’s fourth and fifth graders designed to incorporate informal Jewish education and a social environment. Events are planned and implemented by teen leaders.
Chaverim has lots to offer our 4th and 5th graders, including new friendships; fun and exciting events relating to holidays, Israel, and social action; and a new way to connect to EBJC.
The group meets in the Youth Lounge once a month on Wednesdays after Kesher. Dinner is served.
Kadima is a youth organization for Conservative Jewish kehillot, serving youth in grades 6 through 7. It is a great way for our kids to enjoy social, religious, and social-action oriented activities with other Jewish youth, both in and out of EBJC. Our synagogue is part of the Hagalil Region of New Jersey. There are regular chapter events and frequent regional events.
Kadima has much to offer our 6th and 7th graders, including new friendships; fun and exciting events relating to holidays, Israel, and social action; and a new way to connect to EBJC.
The group meets once a month in the Youth Lounge on Wednesdays after Kesher. Dinner is served.

Best Membership Initiative
Ahavat Tzion (Love for Israel)
Chapter of the Year
Silver Chapter of Excellence
Best Religious Program
Best Engaging Israel Program