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Adult Education - weekly and monthly classes

EBJC offers a full range of adult courses designed for all interests and at various days and times. If you want to learn something that is not currently offered, let us know! The specific dates will be announced in Tidbits and the Recorder.

LUNCH AND LEARN  – One Wednesday a month at 11:30 a.m. on ZOOM. We will cover Timely Topics of discussion of both current Jewish events. Click the link to attend via Zoom.  CLICK HERE for the Zoom link.

MONROE LUNCH AND LEARN – One Thursday each month, we meet at a participants home for a discussion on current events and text study. To learn more and to participate, please contact

PARASHAT HaSHAVUAH – One Friday each month at 11:00 a.m. on ZOOM.  In this class we will be exploring various commentaries and discussions. Click the link to attend via zoom.  CLICK HERE for the Zoom link.

ADULT TORAH/HAFTORAH CLASSES - NOW is the time to learn! It's painless and so rewarding. Contact Rabbi Brandspiegel for more information.

GENESIS-SCIENCE CLASS WITH DR. JUDAH LANDA - This class combines a rigorous textual analysis of the biblical verses with knowledge from external sources, including history, science, linguistics and archeology. We meet every Monday evening at 8:30 p.m. for about one hour (virtually on TEAMS these days, perhaps will go hybrid again).  After more than 15 years of continuous study, having started at the beginning of the Book of Genesis and completed the entire Pentateuch, the Books of Joshua, Judges and I and II Samuel, we are currently (May 2024) making our way thru I Kings.
CLICK HERE to attend.   

TALMUD CLASS WITH DR. JUDAH LANDA - This class brings to life the voices, discussions and debates of our sages as they formulated Jewish Law based on the traditions and foundational texts received from ancient times. We meet every Wednesday evening at        8:30 p.m. for about one hour (virtually on TEAMS these days, perhaps will go hybrid again). Currently we are studying tractate Megillah via the Artscroll English translation and commentary. CLICK HERE to attend.


ISRAELI DANCE - Mondays 7:00 p.m. for beginners; 8 pm for intermediate/ advanced. Come and stay for as long as you can!

JAZZERCISE - Monday and Wednesday 5:45 - 6:45 p.m.


Tue, February 18 2025 20 Shevat 5785