Young Adult Programs
Young Adult Programs - Grades 8-12
The East Brunswick Jewish Center has brand-new young adult programming. For more information about the program, contact Cantor Larry Branspiegel, Education and Youth Director.
Kesher Bogrim Meets Wednesdays, 6:30-8:15 pm
8th through 12th graders are part of the Young Adult Program that meets on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:15 pm. Teens share dinner, dessert, and time to socialize before participating in short (1-3 week) modules that inspire them. Learners are invited to sign up for each topic that interests them. Sample topics might include:
- IAC Eitanim: Requiring separate registration, area American and Israeli teens meet once a month to work together in “companies” to create innovative solutions to existing problems.
- Mitzvah Modules: Study the text for mitzvot, then put theory into practice; for example, learn about saving a life, then learn CPR and hear from EMTs as you tour an ambulance
- Step Up for Israel: Jerusalem U’s mini-course on understanding the current conflict and learning how to be an effective advocate for Israel
- Speakers and films on contemporary issues
- Participating in EBJC and community events and mitzvah projects such as the JFS Passover Food Drive
- Visiting assisted living facilities and partnering with the Senior Adult League to celebrate holidays
- 12th graders will meet several times throughout the year with Rabbi Finkelstein to explore maintaining a Jewish identity beyond high school
Kesher Madrichim
Kesher Madrichim are 8th through 12th graders who volunteer their time to help with the K-7 Program on Sundays, Wednesdays, or Saturdays. Madrichim receive training and are typically assigned to a particular class to serve as leaders, role models, and assistants to the teacher.
Wed, September 11 2024
8 Elul 5784
PJP - Israel Series
Zionism: Ancient Dream or Modern Revolution?
Thursday, September 12 @ 8:30 p.m. (Zoom) This is part one of an eight-part zoom series on Eretz Yisrael with Partners in Jewish Programming. Click here to register. A zoom link will be sent once registered. This program is free for all, however donations are appreciated.
Parashat HaShavua
Friday, September 13 @11:00-ZOOM. Join Rabbi Brandspiegel and study the current parshiot of the month. CLICK HERE to join class!
Rockin' & Rollin Tot Shabbat
Friday, September 13 @ 6:00 p.m.
Kid-friendly Shabbat Service followed by a kid-friendly Shabbat dinner. RSVP by September 10th. Click here to register.
Lunch and Learn
Wednesday, September 18 @11:30-ZOOM.
Join Rabbi Brandspiegel as he discusses topics dealing with current Jewish events. CLICK HERE to join class!
Ice Cream Social + 'Get To Know You Bingo, Part 6'
Thursday, September 19 @ 7:30 p.m.: Hosted by Sisterhood. This will be in the Kroll Ballroom. The cost is free and there will be fun prizes for the Bingo winners! RSVP by September 13 by emailing Cindy Rabinowitz at
PJP - Travel Series
Jewish Copenhagen w/ Charlotte Thalmay
Sunday, September 22 @ 12:00 p.m. (Zoom) Travel the world virtually with Partners in Jewish Programming. Click here to register. A zoom link will be sent once registered. This program is free for all, however donations are appreciated.
Sunday, September 28 @ 8:00 pm. Havdalah, followed by a special program for the holiday season. 10:00 p.m. is the Selichot service. Light refreshements will be served.
Hazak - Lunch & Entertainment w/ Curtis Crowell
Thursday, October 31 @ 12:00 p.m. Join us for lunch and entertainment provided by Curtis Crowell, a beekeeper since 1996. CLICK HERE to register.