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Sisterhood - January 2019


A New Year signifies new beginnings—a reclaimed opportunity to prioritize your goals and the allocation of your time.  If you haven’t already joined Sisterhood, this is the perfect time to take that important step. Joining Sisterhood demonstrates your commitment to both EBJC and the continuity of Jewish heritage, faith, and tradition.

We are a diverse group, and we want to include YOU and the unique qualities you offer.  Now, more than ever, with anti-Semitism on the rise in an uncertain world, we need the support of all the fabulous women in our shul.  As others have stated, we are stronger TOGETHER. Please help us meet our goal of 100% membership.

Last month we enjoyed a fun-filled Evening of Laughs and Libations on Saturday, December 15th. This event, in conjunction with Men’s Club, featured Al Kustanowitz of Jewish Humor Central, who entertained us with a multimedia presentation of Jewish comedy.

Rabbi Pivo’s adult education series “Torah, Time and Tefillah” is going strong!  Stop in any Thursday evening after minyan to check out how much you can learn. Now that we have tackled the five books of Moses that comprise the Torah, we will be moving onto Torah in its wider sense—an overview of the sacred books that grew up around Torah. We will examine Torah commentaries, Mishna, Talmud, siddur, and machor, among others.

The two-year curriculum can culminate in bar/bat mitzvah for those who wish.  If you’d like to check out the syllabus, the entire outline for the two-year course is available online. And you can join at any time, or just visit those classes that interest you most.

2019 ushers in a host of exciting adventures!  Here are some programs and events that are on the horizon:

*Thursday, January 31—Movie Night with Men’s Club featuring Cuba’s Forgotten Jewels (details to follow)

*Friday, February 11—Kabbalat Shabbat in partnership with Men’s Club, headlined by Mayor Brad Cohen of East   Brunswick

*Friday, March 8—Our Annual Torah Fund Dinner and Service. Which deserving Sisterhood member will be honored as our Eshet Chayil (Woman of Valor?) Since Torah Fund proceeds support the educational institutions of the Conservative Movement, we are honored to hear success stories of the graduates of these schools. Come hear our own Rabbi Pivo share an account of his years as a student at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York.  We bet there will be fascinating anecdotes awaiting us!

There’s still time to contribute to this worthy project.  Contact our extraordinary Torah Fund chair Jody Bramson at to purchase this year’s stunning polished black Torah Fund pin, featuring the insignia “Atid,” meaning “Future." Or donate at any level to get involved.

*Wednesday, March 27On the Chocolate TrailEBJC Sisterhood joins with the women of Congregation B’nai Tikvah in North Brunswick for a fascinating journey through the Jewish history of chocolate.  Rabbi Deborah Prinz, author of On the Chocolate Trail, draws from her world travels on the trail of chocolate to describe the role of religions in the trade, retail and manufacture of chocolate since it was introduced to Europeans. The evening includes dessert, wine, and chocolate sampling, along with book signing by Rabbi Prinz.  How can you resist?____________________________________________________________

Please remember to read each Friday’s Tidbits email blast to learn details of upcoming events

When is the last time you took a glance at our impressive Sisterhood Judaica shop?  Why schlep to Highland Park or Brooklyn for all your needs, or order them online, when you can find whatever you imagine in our very own boutique?  The gift shop stocks everything, from candles and Jewish-themed toys, to challah covers, kippahs, women’s headpieces, menorahs, seder plates, and more.  The selection and design are exceptional.  And if it’s not there, we will order it for you!  You’ll find the perfect items AND benefit Sisterhood!  So it’s a win-win for all.  ____________________________________________________________

Calling All BibliophilesWe are hoping to launch a Sisterhood book club this spring. We would plan to meet on a “seasonal” basis, approximately every three months, allowing

 plenty of time to finish reading.  The selections would be based on reading lists from the Jewish Book Council, as well as member recommendations. Although each book will have some Jewish thematic element, we will not be solely focused on historical fiction.  We will include fiction, as well as nonfiction, biographies, and maybe even cookbooks!

There are some details still to be determined, and we’d like your input.  When would you like to meet?—weekday evening, Saturday after kiddush, Sunday morn, Sunday evening?  Where would you like to meet?—at synagogue, or would you be more comfortable rotating through members’ homes? 

Please email Sara at to indicate your interest and provide your preferences to the questions above.  Look forward to hearing from everyone.


It is our sincerest wish that 2019 holds the promise of good health, peace, and contentment for all the families in our congregation, and for the global Jewish community.  May the precious values of Judaism remain close to our hearts and inform how we treat our relatives, friends, neighbors, and fellow EBJC members each day.

“She opens her mouth with wisdom and the law of kindness is on her tongue.”—Eshet Chayil, Proverbs


Warm regards and Happy New Year,

Margot Julis

Sara Ullman



Sun, May 19 2024 11 Iyyar 5784