Kadima is a youth organization for Conservative Jewish kehillot, serving youth in grades 6 through 8. It is a great way for our kids to enjoy social, religious, and social-action oriented activities with other Jewish youth, both in and out of EBJC. Our synagogue is part of the Hagalil Region of New Jersey. There are regular chapter events and frequent regional events.
Kadima has much to offer our 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, including new friendships; fun and exciting events relating to holidays, Israel, and social action; and a new way to connect to EBJC.
The group meets once a month in the Youth Lounge on Wednesdays after Kesher. Dinner is served.
Tue, October 15 2024
13 Tishrei 5785
L'dor Vador Shabbat
Friday, October 18 @ 6 p.m. A Shabbat program and dinner for ALL ages: tots, tweens, teens, parents, grandparents, and more! Songs, prayers, and stories in the Sukkah. CLICK HERE to register.
Family Sukkot Event
Sunday, October 20 @ 10:30 a.m. Fun and learning in the EBJC Sukkah! Food sponsored by the EBJC Men's Club. Everyonne is invited. CLICK HERE to register.
Men's Club Hike
Sunday, October 20 @ 2:00 p.m. Come out with the Men's Club to enjoy a fun, moderate hike through the trails of Beaver Dam Park. CLICK HERE to register.
'Dames' in the Sukkah
Sunday, October 20 @ 5:30 p.m. What could be better than dinner in the sukkah? Dinner in the sukkah with great company and conversation! Ladies only. CLICK HERE to register.
Sukkah Supper & Schmooze
Tuesday, October 22 @ 6:30 p.m. It's a mitzvah to dine in the Sukkah. Everyone is invited to join Men's Club in the Sukkah for dinner. CLICK HERE to register.
Hazak - Lunch & Entertainment w/ Curtis Crowell
Thursday, October 31 @ 12:00 p.m. Join us for lunch and entertainment provided by Curtis Crowell, a beekeeper since 1996. CLICK HERE to register.
Sisterhood Paid-Up Brunch
Sunday, November 3 @ 11:00 a.m. Entertainment by Flavian, the mind reader. RSVP by October 25. CLICK HERE to register.
PJP - Israel Series
Between Arabic & Hebrew: Mizrahi Culture in Israel
Thursday, November 14 @ 8:30 p.m. (Zoom) This is part two of an eight-part zoom series on Eretz Yisrael with Partners in Jewish Programming. CLICK HERE to register. A zoom link will be sent once registered. This program is free for all, however donations are appreciated.
Rabbi Larry's Installation and Brunch
Sunday, November 17 @ 10:00 a.m. Join us for a delicious brunch as we celebrate the official installation of Rabbi Larry. We will be putting together a keepsake book to present to Rabbi Larry with all your good wishes. CLICK HERE to register and submit your donation/good wish. Register and submit by November 7.
Pickleball Tournament- Turkey Tournie
Friday, November 29 @ 9:30/10:00 a.m. Tournament at EBJC. Play is limited to the first 24 players that sign up. $36 per person. Doubles Play, Random Pairings. CLICK HERE to register.
Six13 Live!
Sunday, December 8 @ 2:00 p.m. Six13 is a groundbreaking, critically acclaimed six-man acappella vocal band bringing an unprecedented style and energy to Jewish music. CLICK HERE to sign up for a sponsorship and/or to purchase tickets.
Meet the Author: Joan Leegant
*Buy your books now!
Tuesday, December 10 @ 7/7:30 p.m. *EBJC is selling Joan Leegant's "Displaced Person: Stories" at $18/book. Purchase your book from the office now so you can read it in time for the "Meet the Author" event. CLICK HERE to register for the event.