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Shabbat Shira 2020

Luise Sleppin Memorial Shabbat Shira Shabbaton

with Kol Halayla

EBJC is hosting Rutgers’ Kol Halayla acapella group for a Shabbat Shira Shabbaton on Feb. 7 & 8. On Friday, EBJC hosts special musical Friday night services and a Kabbalat Shabbat dinner with a Tu B’Shvat seder. Shabbat morning we will a have special service, with an enhanced Kiddush and lots of singing. We will end Shabbat with a concert at 7:30. Additional Shabbaton sponsors are most welcome. Please contact Arthur Fliegelman for additional information at  

Please note that the dinner is now sold out.  However, the concert is still open - please come and pay at the door.

Schedule for Shabbaton


Friday, February 7

5:00 p.m: Traditional Kabbalat Services (with KH)

6:15 p.m: Tu B’Shvat Seder
7:00 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat dinner

8:00 p.m: Congregational singing with KH

8:15 p.m.: Dessert


Saturday, February 8

9:00 a.m.: Group Breakfast for KH at EBJC
9:30 a.m: Shabbat Services

10:30 a.m: KH working with Kesher students
12:30 p.m: Enhanced Kiddush

1:00 pm: KH singing and commentary


5:05 p.m.: Mincha
5:20 p.m.: Enhanced Seudat Shlishit for congregation with KH and singing

6:05 p.m.: Maariv


7:00 p.m.: Doors open for concert

7:30 p.m.: Concert begins
9:00 p.m.: After concert dessert reception 



Friday night dinner: Arthur Fliegelman
Tu B’Shvat Seder: Cantor Larry/Rabbi Pivo
Home Hosting/Breakfast: TBD
Kesher program: Cantor Larry
Lunch: Sisterhood
Concert: Jack Goldberg





Mon, February 10 2025 12 Shevat 5785